C-CON Inc. was founded in 1990 to serve customers that not only needed quality work but also expected quality customer service.
Based in Dallas, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona, we can access anywhere in North America within hours.
Today C-CON has evolved into one of the most respected coordinate metrology service and product suppliers. Dependable, honest and fair, C-CON treats customer’s right.
Our personnel are the key to our success. Their incredibly deep knowledge and dedication to customer satisfaction offers unprecedented insight and problem solving capability.
Hrere is a sample of the companies we are proud to do business with.
Bell Helicopter Chromalloy Raytheon
Alcoa Pratt & Whitney Goss
Northrop Baker Hughes Schlumberger Cameron
Lockheed PCC Triumph Group Spirit Aerosystems
C-CON, Inc.
1351 S. TI Blvd.
Suite 113
Richardson, TX 75081
Tel: (972) 726-7002