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Inspection Plus | C-Con
(972) 726-7002
Dallas, Texas

      Inspection Plus - software for              machining centers

Macro software incorporating vector and angle measure, print options and an extended range of cycles.

•1-touch or 2-touch probing options

•Tool offset compensation

•Output data into accessible variable stack

About Inspection Plus

Inspection Plus provides an integrated package of macro software that includes vector and angle measure options, print options (controller dependent) and an extended range of cycles.

Inspection Plus includes an SPC cycle, 1-touch or 2-touch probing options, tool offset compensation by percentage of the measured error, and output of data stored into an accessible variable stack.

Features and benefits

Compared to the more basic Inspection software:

•All cycles in one integrated package

•Improve output data storage and report formatting

•Extra cycles - angle corner find, internal boss / web, vector probing, angled web / pocket measure and stock allowance

•Feature-to-feature distance measurement

•Optional 1- or 2-touch probing - one touch probing on controls with high speed skip, whilst two touch cycles offer greater accuracy where a high speed input is not available

•Protected positioning - stop the machine in the event of an unexpected collision

•Tolerances on size and position, applying an alarm if material is out of tolerance

•Ensure process stability by specifying a band around the nominal size where no error compensation is applied

•'Damped' corrections (% of error feedback) to avoid overshooting the nominal size

•SPC feedback based on trend analysis and average readings

•Apply correction factors that take account of known process characteristics


•Results can be printed or written to a file

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