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OMV | C-Con
(972) 726-7002
Dallas, Texas

                  Renishaw OMV


PC-based, on-machine component inspection and verification software for machining centres.

•Inspect geometric features and free-form surfaces

•Multi-axis machine support

•On-screen simulation for program prove-out


About OMV

Renishaw OMV allows you to check complex machined parts against the CAD model, without them being removed from the machine. It gives confidence that the part you see conforms to the CAD model from which it was made.

By verifying your part on the machine tool, you can save valuable production time - eliminating wasted time on set-up for rework.

Latest functionality

Adding to the comprehensive functionality available in previous versions, Renishaw OMV 2013 R1 SP2 introduces:

•'Probe and Parameters' item - allowing fast and simple programming of probe changes and the adjustment of associated parameters

•CAD compatible export- export measurement information relating to geometric features and surfaces in a CAD compatible format for use in re-engineering applications

•On model dimensioning in Renishaw OMV ProDimensioning - create labels to display measurements on the CAD model. This functionality now covers linear, angular and radial dimensions. (Renishaw OMV Pro only)

•Section Groups - directly measure cross sections through a component, either through all surfaces, or through selected areas of the cut plane. (Renishaw OMV Pro only)

For further information on the new features and functionality available in the latest release, see the Renishaw OMV - on-machine component verification software: version 2013 R1 SP2 flyer. Alternatively for an overview of the full functionality provided by the software, see the Renishaw OMV on-machine 3D verification data sheet.

Easy programming

Renishaw has also simplified the programming process; now you can work from your office PC to create probing routines direct from the CAD model, including measurement of geometric and free-form features. No direct PC connection is required to run the generated program on the machine tool; the points collected on the machine can be read back into the software using floppy disk, Ethernet, or RS232. Renishaw OMV can also be used to give immediate feedback on the object tolerance by displaying colour-coded points on the CAD model.

Powerful reporting

Simple graphical reports and an on-line results display, give you an instant indication of the match of your part to the CAD model, allowing instant Go/No Go decisions.


Renishaw OMV also features comprehensive best fit and alignment functions to minimise the set-up time required when returning parts to the machine after an external process. In most cases, a rough set-up of the work co-ordinates is enough to give accurate, repeatable results.

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