Productivity+™ - PC based probe software for machining centers
Interactive programming of inspection routines, tool setting
and machine updates.
•Comprehensive set of measurement routines
•Logic statements for on-machine decision making and
process control
•Detailed reporting of inspection and updates
About Productivity+™
Productivity+ is a PC based software solution providing an easy-to-use platform for incorporating simple measurement functionality and more advanced in-process intelligence into machining programs. It can simplify a wide range of measurement and process control tasks, such as component set-up and part verification, and aids process development in the following key areas:
•Predictive process setting - performing simple tests to ensure that a machining process will be successful
•Active in-process control - using the probe to measure features and update machining process based on the results obtained
•Informative reporting - providing information about the in-process state of a component, and about the decisions that were made when producing it
Productivity+ creates programs which run entirely on the machine tool, including all the calculations, updates and logic which are needed - so no external PC is required to process measurement data.
Productivity+ provides full multi-axis support for vertical and horizontal machining centre configurations.
Productivity+™ provides
Point-and-click feature selection - based on a wide range of CAD models
Tool setting - speed up tool change and avoid damaged tools (Renishaw tool setting macros required on the CNC)
Part set-up and inspection - auto-correct machining cycles
Intelligent decision-making - allowing active, in-process control with program adjustments and machine updates
On-machine verification - reduce production time
Probe cycle programming - PC based solution, therefore avoiding machine downtime
Program verification - to increase confidence and reduce risk of machine or probe crash
Process tracking - with the addition of Renishaw CNC Reporter